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We protect the rights of creatives and advocate a fair balance of interests!

Welcome to CESARights!

CESARights focuses on the fair remuneration of rights holders in the context of claims under the Act on the Copyright Liability of Online Content Sharing Service Providers (UrhDaG).

This new legal regulation makes it possible for creators to receive a fair share of the platforms' profits through collective rights management. At the same time, users' freedom of communication and expression on the internet is safeguarded. We are committed to fair remuneration for creatives, represented by their collecting societies. Our goal is also to enable a fair balance of interests between creators, platforms and users.

Our values
Stilisierte Hände umschließen einen Stern

We always act reliably and efficiently to not only meet the needs of rights holders and collecting societies, but to exceed them.

Stilisiertes Buch mit einer Glühbirne
Specialized knowledge
Our team consists of experts who undergo continuous training to provide the best service.
Stilisiertes Auge mit quadratischer Umrandung
We believe in open communication and clear processes. Our customers always have insight into all steps of rights management.
Stilisierter Kopf mit Gehirn
We keep our finger on the pulse and use the latest technologies to develop innovative solutions for the challenges in the copyright sector.
Stilisierte Zielscheibe mit Pfeil in der Mitte
Customer centricity
We focus on your needs. We listen, understand and respond proactively to offer customized solutions. We strive to be not just a service provider, but a trusted partner.

    Our Services


    As a service provider commissioned by collecting societies, we play a decisive role in the realization of claims under the Act on the Copyright Liability of Online Content Sharing Service Providers (UrhDaG) and are the point of contact for all relevant platforms and service providers.

    Our mission: We take the utmost care and professionalism to ensure that the claims against platforms arising from the UrhDaG are realized effectively and comprehensively. Our team is committed to ensuring that the rights and interests of creatives are protected.

    Do you have further questions?